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Ann Arbor Open School

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August 23, 2023


Dear Families,


Welcome to all kindergarteners and their families! As we begin the year, we prioritize creating a community where students feel welcome, safe, and heard. This year, we will aim to nurture our students’ whole selves as complex individuals and justice-minded community members.

Kindergarten is a time for children to expand their love of learning, general knowledge, ability to get along with others, and interest in reaching out to the world. We will create a nurturing environment to help you and your child have a successful year. While kindergarten marks an important transition, it is essential that children still get to be children. 


I look forward to meeting you and starting our adventure this year. 


My name is Edie Linton, and I will be your kindergarten teacher. Here is some information about me to help us get to know each other. 


I have been teaching for twenty-plus years. In my first three years, I taught preschool at a University of Michigan Child Care Center and the rest at the Open school. I have taught kindergarten through third grade during my time at AA Open. 


I am married and have two children. My daughter and son were Open School kids.  They now attend Michigan State University and Skyline High School. We also have a lab puppy, Candi, in our family. 


I am a graduate of Kalamazoo College and Vanderbilt University. I enjoy reading, running, walking my dog, and spending time at the beach with family. 


I hope you will see me as a partner in your child’s education. Our classroom is a learning community. We (children, parents, and teachers) must work together to help everyone have a successful year. 


Here is some information that will help get us started this year: 

  • Our classroom is Room #233. You walk towards the front door of the building (Red Oak Street Side of the Building). The outside door is door #3. Your child can enter and leave through this door. 


  • When school is out, the children will be walked to the bus, after school activity, or wait by the outside classroom door to be picked up. 


  •  It is a good idea for students to have a backpack to carry things home. 


  • I also suggest that students have a change of clothes in their bag.


  • Please label everything. 


  • Please let me know your child’s pick-up schedule on the first day of school


  • Also, please put in their backpack an index card with an afterschool schedule for each day of the week. Then, when a child is anxious about the end of the school day, it is much easier for us to share correct information quickly.


  • Additionally, please fill out this form with afterschool plans for your child:


  • One of the significant concerns for parents at the beginning of the year is the school bus. After a few days, everything falls into place quickly. Children go to regular bus stops and ride with other students. Throughout the year, please let me know, preferably in writing, if there are any changes in your child’s schedule. Unless I hear differently from a parent, I will ensure they get on their usual bus. Bus drivers will not let students change plans unless they have a note signed in the office.


  • Most days, we begin with a class meeting. Then, weather permitting, we will have an outdoor recess each morning. Please send your child prepared to be comfortable playing outside. 


We like to serve a snack each day, something simple like crackers or fruit. Let me know about allergies. This year, it would be helpful if all students brought a personal snack. Please pack something for a snack each day. I will have a few extra things around for children who forget. 


Please call or e-mail with any questions or concerns. I look forward to a year filled with new and exciting learning experiences for all of us.

See you soon.

Edie Linton 

Ann Arbor Open @ Mack, 994-1910

Home: (734) 717-3618 
