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Ann Arbor Open School

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7th/8th Humanities - Cedric York

Dear Families,


I am looking forward to my 6th year teaching at Ann Arbor Open. I taught 5th and 6th grade for two years, and this will be my 4th year teaching 7th and 8th! Having multiple grade bands usually results in rotating content expectations every year, so this being my fourth year means that I will be repeating things that I taught in my second year as a 7th and 8th grade teacher. It also marks the second time I’ve had the opportunity at Ann Arbor Open to do this! What does this mean, you ask? It means that I get to do things bigger, better, and more effectively than I have in the past. It means I get to make changes to what I have done to continue to make what I teach more interesting and engaging!

I hold many other hats around our school. I am the BSU Advisor, a Lunchroom Supervisor, and our Middle School Athletic Director. I love working with students in all of these facets and look forward to getting to know you all through these as well.


I’ll see you soon!




Cedric York